Global Marketing
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With the proliferation of the Internet and e-commerce, if a business is online, it is a global business. With more and more people becoming Internet users daily, this market is constantly growing.  Customers can come from anywhere in the world.  With e-commerce, a brick and mortar storefront is unnecessary.  Global marketing is not a revolutionary shift, it is an evolutionary process. While the following does not apply to all companies, it does apply to most companies that begin as domestic-only companies.

Global Marketing Pros and Cons


bulletEconomies of scale in production and distribution
bulletLower marketing  costs
bulletPower and scope
bulletConsistency in brand image
bulletAbility to leverage good ideas quickly and efficiently
bulletUniformity of marketing practices


bulletDifferences in consumers wants, needs and usage patterns for products
bulletDifferences in consumer response to marketing mix elements
bulletDifferences in brand and  and the competitive environment
bulletDifferences in the legal environment
bulletDifferences in marketing institution
bulletDifferences in administrative procedures


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Last modified: November 21, 2007