Bulk Email Marketing
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The only way to make a lot of money with any Internet business is via bulk email marketing. Sending promotional email messages to targeted and willing participants will increase your revenue 1000 fold.

Many have learnt this the hard way.  Many companies send out to safe lists and did the search engine thing and got a few "lucky" sales here and there.

Many people watched in amazement as an online associate sent 70 million bulk emails promoting this fat loss product. Well, get this he sold over 500 bottles 5 straight weeks. This was not cheap product either. Each of these little bottle of pills cost $67 a piece.

Watching and studying this online associate for months revealed  the techniques the pros are using literally to bring in thousands per day.

There has been an e-book written. It's a first of it's kind e-book that breaks down just how to send out bulk email legally and easily. In fact using the techniques and software explained in this e-book can teach you how make an average of 17 sales per day not even trying hard.

But you can't just send out bulk email any old way. There are laws out there about spam. There is an art to bulk emailing, some try to do it but usually end up get there internet service cancelled.

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Last modified: November 21, 2007