If you are looking for resources to help you stay current with marketing trends and get inspiration from others you may want to consider spending the $220 necessary to join the American Marketing Association (AMA). If you are looking for practical real-world information, useful for the small business (Hearing about a Fortune 100 company's ad campaign), while interesting, won't be of much use to you. On the AMA site, there are links to many bits of information but much of it is links to other providers (for a fee). The *good stuff* is behind the members-only area when going to their meetings and sessions where you get the benefit of networking. Which chapter you are a member of makes a big difference. Some are great and some aren't. Go to an AMA meeting as a guest and decide for yourself. Also check out Sales and Marketing Executives International http://www.smei.org/ The dues are even more expensive but it might be the organization that is better for your circumstances.
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